Saturday, October 14, 2017

eportfolio-week 5

During this week,we have done an experiment which is experiment A, which is the microscopic measurement of microorganisms. In this experiment, I learnt to calibrate on ocular micrometer. The ocular micrometer is inserted into the ocular lens.Then, I observe the ocular lens with the calibration.Then, I put the stage micrometer with 0.01mm on the stage.Then, I superimposed teh ocular micrometer over the stage micrometer.I calculate the calibration factor for the magnification of 100x, 400x, and 1000x and one ocular division for each  magnification.One ocular division on ocular micrometer in mm is calculated by using the formula : (known distance between two lines on stage micrometer/number of divisions on ocular micrometer). Then, I observed the prepare sides of yeast cells, protozoa, and bacterial cocci and bacilli under the all the magnification and calculate the number of ocular division for each microorganisms. Then, I calculated the length of  organism by using the formula :(number of ocular divisions occupied x calibration factor for one ocular division)

Micrograph of yeast cell with calibration

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Eportfolio week 13

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