In this week,I learn the techniques for isolation of pure cultures.The techniques commonly used for isolation of discrete colonies require that the number of organisms in the inoculum be reduced.I learn how to do streak-plate and spread-plate to isolate a single colony.The streak-plate method is a rapid qualitative isolation method.It involves using the principle of dilusion where I am able to get single colony of two type of mixed culture at the end.It is essentially dilution techniques that involve spreading a loopful of culture over the surface of an agar plate.There are two types of streak-plate technique,four ways streak-plate technique and alternate streak-plate method.
Four ways streak-plate technique
Alternate streak-plate technique
All the streak-plate method involves streaking in four quadrant.To streak from the third quadrant to the fourth quadrant,we do not need to flame the loop again because the culture at third quadrant is dilute enough where I streak to fourth quadrant,I manage to get a single colony.
I did streak-plate to isolate S.marcescens and S.aureus from the mixed culture of both bacteria.I also did streak-plate for the mixed culture of S.aureus and E.coli. However, I was unsuccessful in doing this experiment because it was the first time I learn about this and I use the wrong spreading techniques though I was able to get single colony at the end of bacteria.I hope I can improve my streaking technique better in the next experiment.
Streak-plate of the mixed culture of S.marcescens and S.aureus
Streak-plate of the mixed culture of S.aureus and E.coli
In experiment 2,I also learnt to collect specimen using cotton swab from the female toilet basin and put it into Bijou bottle containing sterile water.We did both streak-plate and spread-plate techniques for the environmental sample we collected.
Streak-plate of the environmental sample
Spread-plate of the environmental sample
In part B of the experiment,we isolate the single colony from streak-plate or spread-plate and spread it to four different agar slant.
Experiment 3
In this experiment,I learnt about the cultural characterisctics of microorganisms.These cultural characteristics are used as a basis for separaring microorganisms into taxonomic groups.They are determined by culturing the organisms on nutrient agar slants and plates,in nutrient broth,and in nutrient gelatin.
These is how we differentiate and determine the cultural characterisctic of the bacteria.
In the nutrient agar slant,we used single straight line of inoculation on the surface instead of using zig-zag pattern to observe the growing pattern of the bacteria.We transfer the M.luteus,P.aeruginosa,M.smegmatis,E.coli and B.sereus to the nutrient agar slant,nutrient agar plates ,nutrient broth cultures and nutrient gelatin using the aseptic techniques.
nutrient agar slant culture
nutrient agar plates
nutrient broth culturs
nutrient gelatin